Workshop: Somatic Practices, Technology and Pain

When: 5-6 February 2020,

Where: Coventry University

This two-day event included presentations and conversations between dance artists, healthcare professionals, technology experts and people with pain.

Talk given by Bernie Carter, from Edge Hill University

Sessions included the following:

Panel on the role of technology in dance and health for pain with Tamara Ashley, Lisa Dowler, Lisa May Thomas, and Michael Loizou.

Practical session by Lisa Dowler on the smalldances app. This app has video tutorials on somatic dance for children in hospital.

Pain assessment presentation by Bernie Carter – asking what might somatics and technology offer?

Practical session on Feldenkrais for pain by Sara Reed

Network members contemplating how to respond to prompts during one of the activities.

The workshop also included reviewing findings to date, brainstorming future projects and creative evaluation.

Images by Emma Meehan
