Event: Movement ‘Snack’

We are holding a mini movement session for SPCPN.

Join us for a rejuvenating 15 to 30 minute movement ‘snack’ 🧘‍♂️ Wake up tired body parts and soften tense ones with gentle movement & breathing.

Open to all via Zoom

11:30am UK time on Thursday, July 13th 2023 with Ian Tennant

11:30am UK time on Thursday, August 31st 2023 with Ian Tennant

12 noon UK time on Friday, October 20th 2023 with Maria Kapsali

11:30am UK time on Thursday, November 7th 2023 with Ian Tennant (cancelled – postponed to January)

12 noon UK time on Thursday, December 7th with Eline Kieft

11.30 am UK time on Thursday, January 11th with Ian Tennant

12 noon UK time on Monday, February 19th with Greta Gauhe

12 noon UK time on Thursday, April 11th with Eline Kieft

12.30 pm UK time on Thursday, April 25 with Ian Tennant and Rosa Cisneros

11.30am UK time on Thursday, May 30th with Ian Tennant

12 noon UK time on Thursday, June 27th with Eline Kieft

Full details available on social media:




Information on session leaders:

Ian Tennant https://restoringbalance.life/contact/

Maria Kapsali https://ahc.leeds.ac.uk/performance/staff/316/maria-kapsali

Eline Kieft https://www.elinekieft.com

Greta Gauhe https://www.gretagauhe.com

Rosa Cisneros https://rosasencis.org

(Image credit Adobe Firefly)

A man's back and arms in profile with swirling multi-coloured patterns surrounding him

Reference: Idea of snacking on movement inspired by https://drchatterjee.com/blog/category/podcast/
