Webinar: The Body, Science and Chronic Pain

Tuesday 30 January 2024
14:30 – 16:00 (GMT)

The Centre for Dance Research invited four members of the Somatic Practice and Chronic Pain Network to talk online about their research. They webinar explored the intersections between science, art, somatics, the human body, and pain, with guest speakers Anna Macdonald, Aline Nogueira Haas, Bernie Carter and Emma Meehan.

Pain is “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage” ( International Association for the Study of Pain.) In English, we say that someone either has pain or is in pain. The preposition in is telling, as if sometimes our bodies are immersed in pain, or surrounded by it. Yet pain is never just in the body or just in the mind and such ambiguity makes a conversation about somatics and chronic pain an ideal starting point for C-DaRE invites … Series 2: The body and science.

Full information available here: https://cdareinvites.coventry.ac.uk/the-body-and-science/chronic-pain/

The ‘C-DaRE Invites…’ talk series is curated by Simon Ellis, Lily Hayward-Smith and Kate Marsh.
