Somatic practices, VR and chronic pain

In this interview, Dr. Eugenia Kim discusses her work on illness narratives through Virtual Reality (VR). She talks about how she translated somatic practices into a virtual landscape, and the challenges of this process. The discussion also questions how VR may be useful for people living with chronic pain, and what somatic practices have to offer. She advises that those with lived experience of pain should have a strong voice in the process of developing new projects and she promotes the value of working across disciplines.

Interview with Dr. Eugenia Kim

Eugenia S. Kim

Eugenia S. Kim is an interdisciplinary creator and researcher. Her background is primarily dance, digital archives/humanities, and multimedia with formal education in other visual and performing arts as well as information technology. Previously Eugenia worked in the Emerson College Archives, New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, and Purdue University Libraries while choreographing and producing dance in various cities in the USA. She ran her own dance company, Penumbra: Movement, from 2013-2015. Before beginning her PhD studies, Eugenia received grants from the Cambridge and Somerville (Massachustetts) Arts Councils for choreography and dance history projects. She holds a PhD in Creative Media from City University of Hong Kong, an M.S. in Information Science from University at Albany and a B.S. in Electronic Media, Arts and Communications.

References (in order of reference in the video)

Interaction Design Lab:

Dr. John McCormick:

Professor Kim Vincs:

Anna and Daria Halprin – Life /Art Process: David Leung:

MoCap: motion capture

Rokoko suit:

Ruth Gibson:

Seth Hutchinson:

KINECT: motion sensing device

Sascha Roubicek:

Skinner releasing technique:

Body Mind Centering:

*correction: The network is co-led by Professor Bernie Carter (rather than Dr. Bernie Carter)

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